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Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson pupils should:

  • Understand grouping animals according to their characteristics



  • animal picture sheets

  • Powerpoint: 'dividing animals into groups'

  • Powerpoint: 'guess the group'

  • 'animal and diet' sheets

  • Videoscribe: 'carnivore, herbivore, omnivore'



carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, diet


Starter activity 

1. Group Activity:

Can the children see a way to divide the animal pictures provided into five groups?


Main activities 

1. Class Activity:

Watch Powerpoint: 'dividing animals into groups'.


2. Class Activity/Discussion:

Using Powerpoint: 'guess the group' play the 'guess the group' game.


3. Group Activity:

Using sheets provided match the animals to their diet.


4. Class Activity:

Watch Videoscribe: 'carnivore, herbivore, omnivore'.


Plenary activity 

Q: What is the children's diet? Would they describe themselves as carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?


Use multiple choice consolidation questions.



Downloadable lesson plan and resources

Year 1 - 'Animals including Humans'

Lesson 1: 'Grouping Animals' Full lesson plan (downloadable lesson plan and resources at foot of page)

vocabulary cards for unit

click image to download

'animal and diet' sheets

click image to download

animal picture sheets

click image to download

Videoscribe: 'carnivore, herbivore, omnivore'

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