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'Projects like Wildlife Aid Education are essential to inspire the next generation of conservationists'

Dr Nancy Priston

Senior Lecturer in Anthropology

Oxford Brookes University

'A fantastic teaching resource and really easy to use' 

Andrew Williams

Primary Head teacher

KS1 science resources, KS2 primary science resources
KS1 science resources, KS2 primary science resources

project tree

'I hope all primary schools will take advantage of this creative, imaginative, and comprehensive


Virginia McKenna OBE

The Born Free Foundation

Wildlife Aid Foundation supporter

‘I am sure this is the start of a really exciting new chapter for Wildlife Aid, and one which will carry their values of care and conservation into schools the length and breadth of the land.’

Peter Egan

Wildlife Aid Foundation supporter

‘A fantastic new development for Wildlife Aid. I am looking forward to recording my own animal fables for the website!’

Alistair McGowan

Wildlife Aid Foundation supporter

'A splendid new website packed to the gunnels with interesting facts and engaging activities, all designed to get our young folk focusing on conservation of wildlife, and all completely free and gratis. Well done to the lovely people at Wildlife Aid!’

Stephen Fry

Wildlife Aid Foundation supporter

KS1 science resources, KS2 primary science resources

click here for

this week's 


KS1 science resources, KS2 primary science resources

Welcome to Wildlife Aid Education

our one-stop natural world resource bank of lesson plans, activities and projects for school and home. In our easy to navigate teaching materials section we are providing over 100 free original lesson plans, including worksheets, film, sound and animation clips, giving you everything you need to teach the new Primary Science curriculum. In addition we will be including a range of cross-curricular ideas and resources, whilst our KS1 and KS2 assemblies will draw on a wide and exciting range of wildlife and nature stories and themes.


We hope children will enjoy our games and activities on a wildlife theme, and we are developing extended projects and activities in our conservation for kids section. With the increased emphasis in the new curriculum on outdoor science learning, we are providing advice and support on how you can maximise wildlife at your school.


We would really value your thoughts about any aspects of the site. 'Tell us what you think works (and what doesn't), areas you would like us to expand on, topics you would like us to cover - we promise to respond quickly, and you will certainly help shape the development of our resources.

free primary science KS1 KS2 resources

Welcome from Simon Cowell MBE

Founding Trustee, The Wildlife Aid Foundation


'For over 30 years the Wildlife Aid Foundation has been devoted to rescuing wildlife and promoting a greater understanding of mankind's responsibilities - and opportunities - as custodians of the natural world.


'On the front line of wildlife welfare, we see daily that the pressures on wildlife and the natural environment have never been greater, and that today's school children will inherit a world with issues requiring ever more compassion, understanding and ingenuity to solve.

For that reason putting our resources into natural world education today is the best guarantor of the preservation of the natural world tomorrow.'

watch our short Wildlife Aid Foundation introductory film

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