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Year 6 Science

'Evolution and Inheritance'



Overview of lessons 1 and 2

  • Learn about the significance of Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution

  • Recognise that living things have evolved over time, as evidenced in the fossil record

Resources provided

  • Film: 'how things came to be'

  • Film: 'Darwin and the Beagle'

  • Powerpoint: 'the Galapagos finches'

  • Galapagos finch pictures

  • Galapagos island information

  • Powerpoint: 'beaks'

  • bird template page

You will also need

  • Nothing required


Overview of lesson

as per Week 1

Resources provided

  • Powerpoint: 'human evolution'

  • pictures of hominid/human skulls

  • Film: 'man's place in the evolutionary tree'

  • playscript 'The Great Debate'

You will also need

  • Nothing required


Overview of lesson

  • Explore the basic mechanics that enable evolution to occur

Resources provided

  • Film: 'the evolution of the giraffe'

  • Powerpoint: 'how our fruit and vegetables have been developed'

  • The 'Adaptation Game'

You will also need

  • Nothing required

Resources provided

  • environment information sheets

  • 3 environments pictures

  • adaptation flow chart

  • Powerpoint: 'extreme adaptation'

You will also need

  • Nothing required

Resources provided

  • The Evolution Game

Overview of lesson

  • Explore the range and variety of animal and plant adaptation

Overview of lesson

  • Appreciate the complicated processes which have given rise to higher mammal evolution



You will also need

  • Nothing required
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