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Learning Objectives

By the end of these two lessons pupils should;

  • Demonstrate and record practical application of classification to living things in their local environment



  • Powerpoint: 'pages from a local habitat guide'



habitat, biodiversity, evidence


Pre-Field Trip (Lesson 3)

1. Teaching Point/Class Discussion:

Recap principle and purpose of a classification key and system.


2. Class Activity:

Watch Powerpoint: 'pages from a local habitat guide'.


3. Teaching Point/Class Discussion:

Introduce concept of the children making a guide to the chosen local habitat. Brainstorm what sections it might have.


4. Group Activity (these will be the groups for the field study project):

Look at Classification chart. What living things do they think they are likely to encounter, and where would they fit on the chart?


Field Trip (Lesson 3)

1. Group Activity: Field Trip

a. Visit school grounds/local park/local garden - wherever offers the most bio-diversity.

b. Children choose widest possible selection of living things, and take photographic/sample evidence as appropriate.


Post-Field Trip (Lesson 3)

1. Group Discussion:

Children return to classroom. Did their actual findings correlate with their expectations?

Post-Field Trip (Lesson 4)

1. Group Activity:

Children begin to group their field trip selection according to the classification key, and to identify them using whatever means available - internet information, nature field guides etc.


2. Group Activity:

Children decide how their findings can best be presented eg in a book, Powerpoint, tabletop classification display (and recorded photographically).


3. Class Discussion:

Groups share their plans.


4. Group Activity:

Children create their presentations.


5. Class Activity:

Children view and review each other's presentations.






Downloadable lesson plan and resources

Year 4 - 'Living Things and their Habitats'

Lessons 3 & 4. 'Field Study Booklet' Full lesson plan (downloadable lesson plan and resources at foot of page)

vocabulary cards for unit

click image to download

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