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Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson pupils should;

  • Explore the life cycles of an amphibian (frog) and bird (blackbird)



  • Vocabulary cards

  • Powerpoint: 'frogs'

  • Videoscribe: 'frog life cycle'

  • Film: 'blackbird life cycle'

You provide:

  • Pond dipping equipment (if this option is available to you)



frogspawn, tadpole, froglet, frog, amphibian, egg, hatch, fledgling


Starter activity 

1. Teaching Point:

Recap life cycle principle from Lesson 1, and that it is common to all living things.


Main activities 

1. Class Activity:

Watch Powerpoint: 'frogs', showing variety of frogs, including all juvenile stages.


2. Group Activity:

Children devise their own idea of the life cycle sequence of the frog. Share results.


3. Class Activity:

Watch Videoscribe: 'frog life cycle'. 


If practicable:

4. Class Activity:

Go pond-dipping for frog spawn.


5. Class Activity:

Watch film: 'blackbird life cycle'.


6. Group Activity:

Compare and draw up lists of the similarities and differences between the three life cycles (insect, amphibian, bird) studied so far.


7. Class Discussion:

Share results. What conclusions can the children draw?


Plenary activity

Q: What factors might affect the blackbird at different stages of its life cycle?





Downloadable lesson plan and resources

Year 5 - 'Living Things and their Habitats'

Lesson 2: 'Life Cycles: Amphibian and Bird' Full lesson plan (downloadable lesson plan and resources at foot of page)

vocabulary cards for unit

click image to download

Powerpoint: 'frogs'

click image to download

Videoscribe: 'frog life cycle'

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