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Year 6 Cross-curricular

We are developing for Year 6 a range of original cross-curricular projects which link to the new Science curriculum whilst also following the curriculum guidance for the second subject.






Theme: 'Darwin's Diary'


Related to: Year 6 'Evolution and Inheritance'


Preview: An extended exercise on diary writing, beginning with a study of Darwin's own journal of his expedition on the Beagle, and an opportunity for children to create new journal entries in Darwin's style, as well as looking at the work of other diarists and creating and keeping their own journal.

Theme: 'Darwin's Finches'


Related to: Year 6 'Evolution and Inheritance'


Preview: A painting-based project on the theme of 'variations', and including an introduction to the work of Andy Warhol.

Theme: 'Evolution Music'


Related to: Year 6 'Evolution and Inheritance'


Preview: A musical composition project based on Darwin's voyage in the 'Beagle', in which children represent musically the key events of the expedition, the discoveries he made and the development of his theories.


It introduces the children to the work of several composers, including Steve Reich and Philip Glass. Designed for the instruments to hand and suitable for a wide range of musical abilities, it includes opportunities for both improvisation and composition.

Theme: 'The New World'


Related to: Year 6 'Evolution and Inheritance'


Preview: Using Darwin's exploration of new parts of the world and new ideas as a springboard, children look at a range of 'new world' and 'discovery' themed writing, before working together to create a new world and document it through a collaborative encyclopaedia.

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