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Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson pupils should;:

  • Explore the range and variety of animal and plant adaptation



  • environment information sheets

  • '3 environments' pictures

  • adaptation flow chart

  • Powerpoint: 'extreme adaptation'





Starter activity 



Main activities 

1. Group Activity:

Children have information sheets with three different environments, and a plant, a bird and a mammal that lives in each environment.

What characteristics do these organisms have which make them particularly suited to their environment?


2. Individual Activity:

Each child given pictures of three more environments.

Must design and label a plant suited to one, a bird to the second, and a mammal to the third.


3. Group Activity:

Using the adaptation flow chart and animal images supplied, apply the criteria of the flow chart to stick each animal image in its appropriate box.


4. Class Activity:

Watch Powerpoint: 'extreme adaptation' showing the range of adaptations in the plant and animal kingdoms.


Plenary activity 






Downloadable lesson plan and resources

Year 6 - 'Evolution and Inheritance'

Lesson 4 'The Range of Adaptation' Full lesson plan (downloadable lesson plan and resources at foot of page)

vocabulary cards for unit

click image to download

'3 environments' pictures

click image to download

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