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Project Tree

tree art

oldest tree timeline

tree houses

click on the pictures below for:


tree houses

discover amazing tree houses, and design your own.


leaf rubbing

make beautiful patterns and shapes from leaves.


amazing trees

meet remarkable trees from around the world.  


age a tree

discover how to tell how old a tree is.


plant a tree

how to plant a tree and how to help it grow.


tree art

amazing art and ideas for your own artworks.


tree timeline

understanding how old our oldest trees really are.


tree scrapbook

make your own tree scrapbook and diary.


bark rubbing

uncover the unique texture of every tree.


know your trees

learn quick ways to tell different types of trees apart.

tree scrapbook

leaf rubbing

age a tree

amazing trees

know your trees

plant a tree

bark rubbing

We welcome any suggestions for further areas we can cover in Project Tree, as well as feedback on any area of the website. Please email any thoughts or ideas to

coming soon

We will shortly be adding the following

three project strands (or branches?) to Project Tree:


  • tree poetry - discover amazing poems about trees and woods, and write some tree poetry of your own


  • the world of the tree - discover the wide variety of organisms that live in, on or around an oak       tree - and for whom the oak tree is the world


  • welcome to the wood - join us as we follow a small area of woodland and the wildlife who live there through the seasons

Welcome to the first of our Wildlife Aid Education extended projects for school and home, Project Tree.


Trees are wonderful and extraordinary things, the largest and oldest living organisms with which we share the planet. They cover 30% of the Earth's land surface, they control erosion, they regulate the atmosphere, and they provide the habitat of countless creatures. Meanwhile, throughout human history they have provided shade and shelter, timber for construction, fuel for cooking and heating, and fruit     for food.


Sometimes, because of their immobility and their longevity, the sense that they are always with us in the same spot, we may take trees for granted, and not see them as living things in the way we do a smaller plant, or an animal. But imagine a world without trees - or think of the landscape in a place where there are no trees, such as  an arid desert, the Arctic, or the Moon. What a terrible place it would be!


So let us celebrate the tree and all it gives us, in every way we can: explore our projects, and enjoy yourselves   engaging with all things 'tree'!



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